Cheap or FREE Crest Pro Health at Jewel!

Glad I checked my email before running out to Jewel for cheap bananas!

Check your Jewel Avenue --->  for a $1.00 off Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste Coupon! Yeah! I had it (Limit is 2)

Here's the deal if you have it:
Buy a Crest Pro Health Toothpaste + an Oral B Advantage Toothbrush
Use the Jewel Ad coupon Buy a Crest Toothpaste get a FREE Oral B Toothbrush from the Jewel Ad.
+ Use .75/1 Oral B Toothbrush from 8/29 P&G
+ Use .75/1 Crest Toothpaste from 8/29 P&G
+ your $1.00/1 from Avenue if you have it
Final Price = Both FREE!
Thanks Diane!


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